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6 Reasons Why Self-Publishing Authors Need an Editing Service

Are you working on your first book? Many newbie authors assume that publishers will jump at the chance to publish their work. All you need to do is mail them a copy of the manuscript, and the publisher will call you back in a few days, offering you a three-book deal, with movie studios hounding you for the rights to your work.

The reality is that’s not the case.

Unless you’re the next coming of J.K. Rowling, getting a publishing house to take you on as a featured author is next to impossible. Before you give up on your dreams of being an author, you always have the option of going the self-publishing route.

Self-publishing your work has several advantages. While it might seem expensive to outlay all the capital required to get hard copies of your book, you don’t have to cut anyone in on the profits. Digital books also offer a low-cost option for publishing on Kindle and Amazon.

Before you find yourself overwhelmed with excitement, you need to answer this question – has anyone edited your work? Just because you’re self-publishing doesn’t mean you can skip out on that part of the process. Editing your manuscript is critical to your success.

An editing team ensures that you publish a highly-polished product that people will enjoy reading. Having a good experience with your first self-published title opens the door to get that three-book deal with a publishing house. Here are our top six reasons why you need to consider professional editing of your manuscript before you send it off for publishing.

#1 Prepare for Publishing

Hiring an editing service ensures you get a finished product ready for self-publishing. Your editing team will return a highly-polished product, and all you must do is make the final alterations before publishing the book.

Most writers have a bias in their work and need help to see how they can improve it. They assume that it’s perfect and the audience will love it. This hubris isn’t doing you any favors. If you publish your book and receive negative reviews, it could ruin your career as a self-published author.

Hiring an editing team to review and correct your work is essential to success. Don’t make the mistake of assuming you can’t improve your work. There’s always room for stepping up your game.

#2 Clean Up Your Mistakes

Most writers are so relieved they finally finished their book that they don’t take the time to re-read their work and look for errors. Chances are your book has hundreds, if not thousands, of mistakes in your work. Nothing detracts more from the reader experience that reading a book with grammar and spelling errors littered throughout the content.

Surprisingly, many authors never take the time to complete a review of their manuscript. They assume the first pass is perfect and head to self-publishing without giving editing a second thought. Don’t be that author, and believe your work is flawless.

#3 Improve Your Voice, Cadence, and Flow

Sending your manuscript to an editing team is worth the time and money. When you receive your work, the editing team will adjust your content for flow, cadence, and writing voice. You’ll notice plenty of lines crossed through your work and comments offering suggestions on how to improve your writing.

These suggestions aren’t harsh criticism. The editing team doesn’t want to impact your vision; they want to enhance it. The goal of editing your manuscript is to add value to your work, not tear it down.

#4 Enhance Your Storytelling

The editing team makes corrections to your storytelling and writing voice. Essentially, they make the story flow at the right pace and improve the reader experience. They’ll point out flaws in your plot and characters and suggest constructive ways to improve your storyline.

#5 Give More to the Reader Experience

When you receive your final edited manuscript, you have a product offering the reader a better experience. The edited document covers all the bases involving the plot, storyline, character development, and pacing, resulting in improved reader engagement throughout the book.

#6 Improve Your Chances of Future Publishing

If your goal is to land that coveted three-book deal with a publishing house, an editing service can bring you closer to making that a reality. If your first book becomes successful and receives good traction on Amazon or Kindle, you position yourself with an advantage in obtaining a publishing deal for your second book.

When completing your second edited manuscript, you can send it to a publisher with your first book. The publisher will review your prior success and your current work. You never know. You might get that call you’ve dreamed of receiving since you first put pen to paper.

Proofreading or Editing?

Book editing services cover four elements of the editing process.

  • Proofreading – checks your work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax errors.
  • Copy editing – same as proofreading, but may include minor suggestions for structural changes.
  • Content editing – looks at the story, recommending changes in flow, structure, and more.
  • Development editing – guides you to alter the plot, characters, and more.

A proofreading service is a very limited form of manuscript editing. It’s better to go with a complete editing service to ensure you get the best overall editing experience for your book.

Where Can I Find Book Editors for Self-Publishing Projects?

Search online if you’re looking for self-publishing book editors in New York. You have options to hire freelancers on sites like Fiverr and Upwork or opportunities to work with professional writing companies. Which one is the right choice?

It depends on your budget and what you want from the editing process. If you have limited funds, the freelancer is the best option. However, these individuals are usually providing low-quality results compared to professional services. You’ll need to choose the right freelancer for the task. Ensure you choose an editor with a strong track record.

If you have the budget available, you can’t beat the results you get with a professional service. These companies have a team of editors covering all aspects of the editing process. You’ll get a professionally edited manuscript delivered to your inbox that provides the optimal experience for the reader.